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CLASS OF '87  


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Angela Jackson

134 of us have added our profiles to the Alumni Directory, so far.

Combined, we have 242 children and 1 grandchild.

4 of us served in the U.S. Armed Forces for a combined total of 54 years, including 1 still on active duty.

99 of us spent a combined total of 449 years earning 8 Associates, 88 Bachelors, 30 Masters and 9 Doctorate degrees.

Our most-traveled? One of us has visited 48 U.S. States or Territories, and another has visited 78 foreign countries.

9 of us have birthdays this month, and 14 of us have birthdays in November.

Currently, 3 of us are retired.

The Alumni Directory

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Billboard's Hot 100

Top Songs: 1986-1987
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Senior Prophecies 1987


Paige Godwin.Abbott - Most likely to be a sun goddess in her next life.

David Christopher Abbott - Most likely to be successful.

David MarkAbell - Most likely to become Playboy's top photographer.

David WayneAbell - Most likely to water ski into history.

Timothy Michael Adams - Most likely to wear flannel.

Elizabeth Merle Agee - Most likely to smile at anyone.

Taline  Akseraylian - Most likely to never have her name pronounced correctly.

Kimberly Paige Amason - Most likely to own a mirror factory.

Wallace Shane Amsler - Most likely to score a goal.

Lisa Beth Appelrouth - Most likely to follow the Dead across America.

James Henry Ashworth - Most likely to die laughing.

Anne Clary Axel - Most likely to dedicate her life to the medical profession.

Bonnye Ellen Baer - Most likely to install a new hotline between U.S. and U.K.

Stephanie Anne Baker - Least likely to stay married for more than two weeks.

Michael William Balsom - Most likely to work the next truck and tractor pull.

Donna Marie Barbie - Least likely to have the same hairdo for over a month.

Theresa Lynn Bateman - Most likely to lose her accent.

Rachel Claire Beckett - Most likely to be an outstanding member of our community.

Charles Stewart Beemus - Most likely to become king of his household.

Erin Eileen Belton - Most likely to be the first female president of the United States

Anne Todd Bendall - Most likely to date shorter guys.

Susan Carol Bender - Most likely to replace Frank Soden as host of Battle of the Brains.

Robin Heath Berry - Most likely to get sick on her first day of college.

Edward Blake Birindelli - Most likely to need a podiatrist.

Hannah Turner Blake - Most likely to be a southern belle.

Lisa Rae Blank - Most likely to be the next Joan Rivers.

Jeffrey Lyle Blyer - Most likely to come back and teach drivers ed. with Coach Gray.

Louis Steven Bohm - Most likely to wear neon shoe laces.

Thomas Milton Branin - Most likely to have several identities.

Laura Christine Brockwell - Most likely.

Jeffrey Amos Brubaker - Most likely to have a permanent hat head.

Jean Ann Brush - Most likely to shock the class and come back to Freeman as a speech teacher.

Charles Walter Bryant, Jr . - Most likely to be the editor of the Boneless Thrasher Magazine.

Ellen Gail Buffenstein - Most likely to live in Colorado.

William McReynolds Burhans - Most likely to try so hard to be a non-conformist that he will conform like no other.

Darren Wayne Campbell - Most likely to turn his car radio up louder.

Paul Ray Carmichael - Most likely to manage the Dallas Cowboys.

Stephen Hunter Catlett,Jr . - Most likely to replace Ben Hamilton on channel 12 sports.

Michelle Cheatham - Most likely to establish women's major league softball.

Karen Renee Chiott - Most likely to always think that she is friendless.(We love ya' Karen)

Karen Eliane Clarke - Least likely to decide.

Gaston Mack Clement - Least likely to ever use his first name.

JaneTeresa Clements - Most likely to have a double wedding with Joan.

Joan Teresa Clements - Most likely to have a double wedding with Jane.

Marla K. Coffman - Most likely to get married in jeans.

Jara Michelle Cohen - Least likely to go bald.

Wendy Tara Cohen - Most likely to recite Shakespeare at a Dead concert.

Christopher Lee Cole - Most likely to become a political prisoner because of his liberal views.

Sharon Lynn Coplan - Most likely to run out of clothes to buy and have to wear something twice.

Sandra Lynn Coppedge - Most likely to teach Karate.

Timothy Morgan Coppedge - Most likely to revolutionize car design.

Kathryn Lynn Cosby - Most likely to be the aggressor.

Andrew Squire Council - Most likely to tear a peck in the Mr. Universe contest.

John Thewatt Cross, III -Most likely to send his kids to private school.

Mark Wade Crowder - Least likely to get a haircut.

Dee Ann Cruey - Most likely to wear the pants in the family.

Kenneth Byron Daub, III - Most likely to get a suntan while "out of town on business."

Daryle Shannon Daugherty - Most likely to become a championship bowler.

Melissa Hope Daum - Most likely to marry a surfer dude.

Alan Russell Davis - Most likely to live at home.

Bobbi Michele Davis - Most likely to be an Impressionist.

Spencer deVerdey Davis -Most likely to show up at Gerry Garcia's Funeral.

Matthew Bryan Davis - Most likely to be a test subject for Arrid Extra Dry.

Christopher Dean Derby -Most likely to fall in love with Brooke Shields.

Tracy Michelle DeRussee - Most likely to marry a rockstar.

Charles Russell Dillard - Most likely to have a doll named after him, "Mellow Man."

Claire Denise Dunaway - Most likely to marry Gerry Garcia.

Sunita Dwivedy - Most likely to outsmart our whole generation.

Jessica Margaret Easley - Most likely to become the first Beastie-Girl.

Clay Andrew Edmonds - Most likely to become Clay 'Calvin Klein' Edmonds.

William Sherman Ernouf -Most likely to own Apple Computers, and still be broke.

Andrew David Evans - Most likely to become a Rastafarian.

Jane Scott Evans - Most likely to look like she is in the second grade.

James Carlos Feliciano - Most likely to follow in Gary Hart's footsteps.

Lisa Ann Feller - Most likely to be stylish.

Clarence David Felts, III -Most likely to join the Fat Boys as rapper #4.

Kimberly Brooke Fenderson - Most likely to marry a man named Homer.

Ashley Lynn Finch - Least likely to ever watch NameThat Tune.

Meredith Lyn Fine - Most likely to be a travel agent.

Jessica Ann Ford - Most likely to be an actress on Broadway.

Danny Lee Ford, Jr. - Most likely to go to every concert.

Beverley Page French - Most likely to marry a "nice man."

Heather Ann Furlow - Most likely to be on a Wheaties commercial.

Julia Porter Garber -- Most likely to turn letters on Wheel of Fortune.

Stephen David Gardner - Most likely to live at the beach.

David Jonathan Garner - Most likely to say that he is in love.

Rebecca Ann Garrett - Most likely to be a good sport.

Kathleene Marie Gerds - Most likely to have the most children.

Richard James Gilson - Most likely to marry, divorce, marry, divorce, marry. . . etc.

Theodore Bennett Gittings, III - Most likely to carry on the family name.

Ann McCarthy Goddard - Most likely to live in a house with a white picket fence with...

John Gordon Goddard - Most likely to trip during graduation.

Laura Frances Goldfarb - Most likely to spend her evenings at the Viva Appia.

Daniel Scott Gordon - Most likely to own Ridge Cinemas.

Jonathan David Gouldthorpe - Most likely too show everyone that they were wrong.

Christopher Barclay Graves - Most likely to win the Masters.

Christine Elizabeth Green - Most likely to smile.

Deirdre McCrae Green - Most likely to be the only true blonde at Freeman.

Mary Ryland Greenstreet - Most likely to marry first.

Robert Gordon Gregory, III -Most likely to buyout Britches.

Elizabeth Anne Griffith - Most likely to marry Andy.

Vickii Lee Grimes - Most likely to be a successful executive in the corporate world.

Sharon Michelle Hall – Most likely to look like a lobster at Beach Week.

Ellen Kay Haney - Least likely to switch eye shadows.

Joan Marie Hanson - Most likely to die laughing or sneezing.

Edward Lance Hargrove - Least likely to go on a diet.

Melissa Blythe Harrell - Most likely to be the first female conductor of the London Philharmonic.

John Christopher Harris - Most likely to have pee-wee wrestlers.

Alexis Ann Hartz - Most likely to grow fins and gills.

Susanne Hartz - Least likely to ever take Trig. again.

Brenda Carolyn Hawthorne - Least likely to get any respect.

Walter Isaiah Hayes - Most likely to become librarian.

Ronald Lawrence Hayes, Jr. - Most likely to be a Saturday Morning Cartoon voice.

Anne Wallis Haynie - Most likely to have bilingual children.

Matthew Benjamin Hazelgrove - Most likely to debate.

Lisa Ann Hecht - Most likely to ask questions in class.

Lucinda Frances Heidsieck - Most likely to have a wave named after her, "Wow, that was a Lu-Lu."

Mark Worth Hicks - Most likely to ask the same questions to everybody.

James William Hiner, Jr . - Most likely to talk everyone to death.

Elizabeth Owens Hoggard - Most likely to get matching clothes.

Lisa Anne Holland - Most likely to never be mean.

Martha Ruth Holsinger - Most likely to brutally attack men in uniform.

Kimberly Ann Hooks - Most likely to make friends.

Elizabeth Merry Hotze - Most likely to model for Ms. Clairol frost-n-tips.

Russell Gates Howard - Most likely to be the put-put champion of the world.

Jo Ellen Hoy - Most likely to laugh all of her problems away.

Derek Glenn Hubbard - Most likely to live in a cupboard.

DeAnne Elizabeth Hubbard - Most likely to always drive a truck.

Cimberlee Marie Huggins - Most likely to open a zoo.

Thomas Lee Huste, Jr . - Most likely to be a rock star.

Angela Hope Jackson - Most likely to be batgirl for the Royals.

George BrianJeffries - Most likely to hook up with the Smiths and go on a world tour.

Janet Stuart Jenness - Most likely to be the first ambassador to France to need a step stooI.

Mary Ann Jones - Most likely to marry someone named John Smith.

Stephen Earl Jones - Least likely to be on time for work.

Brian Slade Journey - Most likely to sit and watch the world go by.

Deirdre Lee Kardian - Most likely to become successful.

Nicholas Thomas Kavadas, II - Most likely to live on the beach.

Erik Smithson Keyser - Most likely to be a Chippendale's dancer.

John Randolph Kight, III - Most likely to become the next Rambo.

Key Hyun Kim - Most likely to become a world renown classical violinist.

Michael Donhyun Kim - Most likely to be Melissa Harrell's replacement.

Sung Hee Kim - Most likely to become an interpreter at the United Nations.

Stephen Davison Kingsley - Most likely to get a Mr. Ray's hair weave.

Jennifer Leigh Kirby - Most likely to become successful.

Candace Maqueen Langdon -Most likely to suffer withdrawl symptoms from not being able to shop daily.

Monica Lyn Large - Most likely to represent Avon in court.

Tiffany Claire Latham - Most likely to make it in the art world.

Tracy Elizabeth Layne – Most likely to manage her daughter's gymnastics team.

Dawn Elizabeth Lea - Most likely to be a fashion designer.

Andrew Scott Lee - Most likely to come back and bother Ms. Saunders; heckle, heckle.

Kristian Blair Lesher - Most likely to replace Leonard Nimoy in the Star Trek movies.

Margaret Cary Lewis - Most likely to be a model for Lee Press On Nails.

Gregory Scott Long - Most likely to always have a stupid joke to tell.

Steven Jay Louie - Most likely to join Kristian as Sulu.

Stephanie Read MacMillan - Most likely to be a gymnast in the 1990 Olympics.

James Lewis Madison - Most likely to have to avoid certain bridges.

Carrie June Magill - Most likely to be a trainer for the Redskins.

Andrew Berthold Manson - Least likely to have his chest stop traffic.

Robert Minor Martin - Most likely to star in "The Fishin' Hole," while advertising for Dr. Pepper.

Joseph Patrick Mason - Most likely to move to Hanover and become a government teacher.

Melissa Kimberly Maust - Most likely to be trampled while kissing her boyfriend in the hall.

Lucy Jean Mayfield - Most likely to come back to Freeman and be a flag sponsor.

Mary Heather McAfee - Most likely to become a stand-up comic.

Cameron Grey McCubbins - Most likely to bring in corn-row as a new fad.

Leslie Lorraine McGruder - Most likely to be a world traveler.

Dennis Wayne McKay - Least likely to talk someone to death.

Ursula Anne Merritt - Most likely to be a writer for Harlequin.

David Scott Miller - Most likely to open up an all night party place with the cooperation of Officer Brooks.

Maya Walker Millican - Least likely to ever work at Peoples again.

Thomas Wingfield Mitchell - Most likely to be formal.

Scott Nicholas Mortimer - Most likely to sing in the Mormon Tabernackle Choir.

Cameron Leigh Moseley - Most likely to become the tallest jockey ever.

Anne-Michelle Mowery - Most likely to always to make other guys try harder than ever before to get a date.

Michael Anthony Myers - Most likely to be in Halloween V.

Wanda Sue Napier - Most likely to become an English teacher.

Mary Elizabeth Nau - Most likely to be the funniest producer ever.

Stephanie Anne Newton - Most likely to become an airline stewardess.

Gary Yock Ying Ng - Most likely to stay "Americanized."

Dorothy Regina Nixon - Most likely to successful in the business world.

Susan Margaret -Victoria Norris - Most likely to give her kids hyphenated names.

Christopher Grahame Nott -Least likely to lose weight.

Janet Leigh O'Leary - Most likely to own her own company.

Michelle Anthea O'Neill -Most likely to invent a 30 hour day to fit everything into her schedule.

Anne Elliott Palmore - Most likely to change her name so she can have things monogrammed.

Christopher Campbell Parker - Most likely to be the next Pee Wee Herman.

Susan Lee Parrish - Least likely to ever get a savage tan.

Stephanie Ann Parsons - Most likely to join the Peace Corps.

Tammitha Marie Peirce - Most likely to wear flats.

Stephen Gustave Peple, Jr . – Most likely to be a photographer for Sports Illustrated.

Kristen Ann Petersen - Most likely to paint the world red.

Michael Bradley Pickels - Most likely to marry Maud.

Sherry Leah Pitts - Most likely to chatter and laugh through life.

John Wayne Pitts, Jr . - Most likely to be Coach Moore’s next assistant.

Charles Meyer Pollard - Most likely to have a white picket fence.

Melinda Anne Poole - Most likely to be arrested by the K.G.B.

Diane Lynne Ragland - Most likely to own a tanning bed.

Kevin Hale Ragland - Most likely to design Rush's new album cover.

Elizabeth Ames Reese - Most likely to become a cruise director.

James William Reid, Jr . - Most likely to stay in the West End.

Catherine Anne Rhea - Most likely to open up a clinic and write a book about her experiences.

Merle Edward Robertson, III - Most likely to be the printer for the White House.

Stephen Glenn Robinson - Most likely to do a Stetson commercial.

Lisa Irene Rook - Most likely to sing soprano.

Rachelle  Ann Rubinoff - Most likely to take over Victoria Principal's job for Jhirmack.

John Merlin Rucker - Most likely to be mistaken for a mailman.

Joanna Michele Salzman - Most likely to discover a cure for the common cold.

Ashby Jane Sanderson - Most likely to drive her SAAB to "La Isla Bonita."

Shannon Leigh Satterfield - Most likely to win the Boston Marathon

David Martin Satterfield - Most likely to transfer to the Eastern Iowa School for Nannies.

William Nathan Schieken - Most likely to find the meaning of life.

Tiffany Mia Scott - Most likely to become a famous veterinarian.

Karen Lynn Seidenberg - Most likely to always write friendly notes.

Lisa Louise Sellers - Most likely to marry Randy Kight.

Sharon Rose Sellers - Most likely to be a fashion model.

Christopher Albert Serafim - Least likely too be Italian.

Paula Aileen Setzer - Most likely not to name her son Alka.

Richard Hamilton Seward, IV - Most likely to be on Candid Camera.

John Harrison Shultz - Least likely to lose his temper.

Daniel Todd Slaughter and Scott Frank Slaughter- Most likely to be the next World Tag Team Wrestling Champs.

Christine Elizabeth Small - Most likely to try to analyze the world.

Amy Grove Smith - Most likely to have a son named Beaver.

Scott Matthew Smith - Least likely to give up "assassin"- unlike everyone else.

Susan Elizabeth Smith - Most likely to be the next Dr. Ruth.

Laura Lee Smith - Most likely to always win with her smile.

Susan Waid Smith - Most likely to marry a wrestler.

Theodore Maisel Snead - Most likely to win Star Search.

Susan Elizabeth Spann - Most likely to drive a Volvo

Stefanie Robin Stahl - Most likely to make millions on commercials.

David Lee Stahr - Most likely to have a license plate IMSTUD.

Brian Keith Staples, Jr . - Most likely to be a car dealer.

Amy Winslow Stebick - Least likely to ever complain.

Sandra Charleen Steenstra - Most likely to be the first female TOP GUN

John Walker Steffy - Most likely to win a million dollars on Jeopardy.

Lisa Banks Stephenson - Most likely to have a cottage on the beach.

Eric Marshall Stevens - Most likely to have over twenty jobs at once.

Stacey Wynne Stewart - Most likely to become a brunette.

Christy Ann Stocks - Most likely to marry a short man.

Scott Christopher Stokes - Most likely to be arrested for blowing up fish.

John Fredrick Strotmeyer, III - Most likely to impersonate Jimmy Page.

James Robert Stubbins - Most likely to make up the most Trig. tests.

William Lloyd Sturman - Most likely to get his guitar to gently weep.

Kathryn Suzanne Sugarman -Most likely to open a clothing store with Jessica Easley.

Suzanne Victoria Suher - Most likely to be a fashion designer.

Hsiap-Hsien Sun - Most likely to be a math wizard.

Stephanie Leigh Sweeney - Most likely to be a physical therapist.

Jonathan Paul Sydnor - Most likely to try to sing in an opera.

Angela June Thomas - Least likely to wear more than two colors in the same outfit.

Elisabeth BlakeThomas - Least likely to look any better at our reunion.

Letra Laphelia Thompson - Most likely to win the Olympics

Patricia Randolph Tiller - Most likely to own a pig farm

Julie Elizabeth Tiller -Least likely to get a deep voice.

Jason Alan Tingle - Least likely to care.

Lisa Nga-Que Trinh - Most likely to tell everyone her problems.

Jo Ann Tuohey - Most likely to be Christmas Mother 1997.

Rollin Myron Turner - Most likely to switch his sport to hockey.

Koren Ann Ullman - Most likely to have a story for every problem.

Carolyn Yvonne Vaden - Most likey to go to Longwood and marry ”Wadie."

Amy Camille Vaughan - Most likely to smile

Marc Anthony Verdi - Most likely to gain weight over night.

Laura Ashleigh Vick - Most likely to team up with Gordon Gregory and take over Britches.

Lori Jean Vinik - Most likely to sell cosmetics.

Laura Todd Vranian - Most likely to be grounded on her wedding night.

Sundee Wade - Most likely to have a successful business career

Kieran Blake Wagner - Least likely to make it to graduation on time.

Frey Jon Waid - Most likely to become an English butler.

Mary Courtney Wait - Most likely to live on a farm with a pool.

Patricia Ann Watkins - Most likely to win her way into every guy's heart.

Frank Anthony Wayne, Jr. - Most likely to be a policeman.

Wendy Mae Weick - Most likely to live in Florida.

Jodi Leigh Werner - Most likely to harass Snoopy.

Dondi Michelle Whitaker - Most likely to go to Wimbledon.

Susan Tiffin Wiedeman - Least likely to speak out in a crowded room.

Eric David Wilcox - Most likely to replace Gary Trudeau.

Christopher Keith Wilkinson -Mast likely to eat anything.

Andrew Alden Willett - Most likely to go to MJ.T. and major in calculus.

Richard Dean Willis - Most likely to look like Herb Tarleck.

Edwin Lambert Wood, Jr . - Most likely to come back and date Freeman girls.

Marshall Robert Wood, Jr . - Most likely to do a commercial for Pilsbury.

Karen Elizabeth Woodson - Most likely to be the next Diana Ross

Johanna Rachael Workman - Most likely to lose her diploma in her purse.

Tsz Leung Wu - Most likely to open up a restaurant called-The Wok and Roll.

Shannon Crider Wyatt - Most likely to wrestle a bear and win.

Paul Douglas Wylie, III -Most likely to be a pale imitation of Louis Armstrong.

Christopher Martin Wyndham - Most likely to own a McDonalds.

Steven Yong Yu - Most likely will always look up when someone shouts, "Hey you."

Michelle Shiar Zatcoff - Most likely to always be late.



•• ALUMNI ••

Alumni Directory
Alumni Tribute

Bonnye Baer Rose  
Eric Bass  
Robin Berry Packer  
Lisa Blank Looney  
Jeff Brubaker  
Karen Chiott Peebles  
Marla Coffman Gallaher  
Jara Cohen Chambers  
Heather Furlow Polcaster  
David Garner  
Lance Hargrove  
Brenda Hawthorne Lilly  
Kim Hooks Moore  
DeAnne Hubbard  
Jennifer Kirby Rice  
Candace Langdon Martin  
Andrew Lee  
Joe Mason  
Dennis McKay  
Janet O'Leary Jeffalone  
Kristen Petersen Wheeler  
David Satterfield  
Koren Ullman Satterfield  

sign in to see dates

David Garner  
John Goddard  
Andrew Manson  
Steve Robinson  

sign in for details


Classmates in the U.S.
 District of Columbia
 New York
 North Carolina
 Rhode Island
 South Carolina
 Virginia 117 
 West Virginia

Classmates Abroad:

Totals include confirmed and unconfirmed addresses as input by the reunion committee.

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(Note: Please use the "Contact Us" link in the left column to contact your Reunion Organizing Committee.)

DouglasFreemanReunions.com is independently operated and is not affiliated with
Douglas S. Freeman High School or Henrico County Public Schools.