22 of us have added our profiles to the Alumni Directory, so far.
Combined, we have 30 children and 2 grandchildren.
2 of us served in the U.S. Armed Forces for a combined total of 13 years.
17 of us spent a combined total of 75 years earning 3 Associates, 14 Bachelors, 4 Masters and 2 Doctorate degrees.
Our most-traveled? One of us has visited 49 U.S. States or Territories and has also visited 23 foreign countries.
1 of us has a birthday this month, and 1 of us has a birthday in April.
Currently, 7 of us are retired.
The Class of 73 have made plans to gather for a 50th reunion. This time we are planning a Spring reunion to allow more to attend due to Fall conflicts. Plans have been made around the weekend of April 22, 2023 for a weekend of events. Please save that weekend to enjoy your time in Richmond with your classmates. Even if you have not attended a reunion, we hope you will enjoy time with your classmates on this weekend event. Friday afternoon "golf" at the Drive Shack (Broad Street and I-288) at 2:00 pm and pay for your games there. Then Friday April 21st 7pm to 11pm at Rusty Taco with free admission (Pump Rd and Broad St. Rd.) chips and fixings, cash bar and school tour at DSF if interested on Saturday at 1pm. Saturday night function is at The Place in Innsbrook - 7pm till midnight, $60/person.
For more information pricing and to register, use: THIS LINK
Totals include confirmed and unconfirmed addresses as input by the reunion committee.
Website Questions, Problems or Suggestions? Contact the programmer HERE.
(Note: Please use the "Contact Us" link in the left column to contact your Reunion Organizing Committee.)
DouglasFreemanReunions.com is independently operated and is not affiliated with Douglas S. Freeman High School or Henrico County Public Schools.